March 13, 2010

101 List

So, over the past week I've done a whole lot of packing. And a whole lot of smiling. And a whole lot of day dreaming. As a result of those things I have comprised a list. A list of 101 things that I want to do in 1001 days. It's from a website called The Day Zero Project. My best friend's older sister, Brittany White, did this and I've been wanting to do it since. I figured now would be a great time to start! I'm moving to a new place and this is good motivation to get me out trying new things.

So without further ado, here's the list!
  1. Become a member of a church.
  2. Join a home group.
  3. Be vegan (completely) for a whole week.
  4. Have a dinner party with at least 6 people.
  5. Take one picture everyday for a year - and blog about it. (Like BWhite, check out her blog!)
  6. Go walking in the morning 5 times a week for a month.
  7. Read 50 books.
  8. Cook everyday for a month. (One or more meals per day.)
  9. Find a good place to donate clothes. And donate clothes.
  10. Find the nearest homeless shelter or food kitchen. And volunteer.
  11. Buy roller-blades.
  12. Go to a dance club with Scott.
  13. Do a crossword puzzle and finish it.
  14. Write sweet letters to 20 people for no reason.
  15. Send out Christmas cards!
  16. Don’t spend any money for an entire week. (This will take some planning…)
  17. Call a different friend from home 5 days out of the week, every week.
  18. Don’t buy any clothes, shoes, or accessories for a month.
  19. Read at least 2 C.S. Lewis books.
  20. Stay in PJ’s and watch movies all day long one day.
  21. Watch all of the Narnia movies.
  22. Give someone random $100.
  23. Get a job.
  24. Send 6 care packages.
  25. Adopt a family at a holiday.
  26. Learn how to sing and do it in front of people.
  27. Pay for a kid to go to Young Life camp.
  28. Take a train somewhere. Trip must be longer than 1 hour.
  29. Throw some sort of shower for someone. (Wedding, baby, etc.)
  30. Sponsor a child through Compassion.
  31. Volunteer at a hospital.
  32. Make a scrapbook.
  33. Make my own bread and jelly, from scratch.
  34. Sew curtains and a pillow.
  35. Learn how to do Marine haircuts. And do them for people other than Scott.
  36. Have a regular grocery store and know the checkout person by name.
  37. Run at least 5 races. 5K or longer.
  38. Have a garden. Or plant some herbs or vegetables in pots.
  39. Go to a concert of someone famous.
  40. Memorize 100 verses.
  41. Make homemade fudge/candy for people at Christmas.
  42. Graduate college.
  43. Go on a mission trip.
  44. Give myself a home manicure and pedicure. Along with 6 other girls.
  45. Visit a friend in another state, other than Texas.
  46. Go on a planned road trip with fun stops with Scott.
  47. Finish cooking everything in Pioneer Woman’s cookbook.
  48. Have a tea party.
  49. Spend a weekend exploring San Francisco.
  50. Have a picnic on the beach.
  51. Make a blanket.
  52. Paint 10 paintings.
  53. Visit 15 museums.
  54. Go fishing off of a boat, in the ocean. And off of a pier.
  55. Go to the Mall of America in Minnesota.
  56. Visit relatives in Oregon.
  57. Meet Scott’s Michigan family.
  58. Go on a honeymoon.
  59. Make a wedding cake.
  60. Buy a car.
  61. Visit the Grand Canyon.
  62. Go SCUBA diving with husband.
  63. Buy a video camera.
  64. Shoot something with a gun. But nothing cute. Only a convict critter that has been wreaking havoc in the forest. It will be an animal that has been going around and killing all the little babies of other animals. I’ll be helping, not hurting.
  65. Sing karaoke at a bar.
  66. Go kayaking.
  67. Ride on a sailboat.
  68. Take a cake decorating class.
  69. Take a pottery class.
  70. Do at least 10 things off of the ITT sheet.
  71. Go to a dog park, with a dog.
  72. Spend a weekend in Lake Tahoe.
  73. Sew something that you can wear. And will actually wear.
  74. Write a poem.
  75. Get onto Pioneer Woman’s website.
  76. See at least 3 celebrities, in real life.
  77. Acquire at least 3 photography books that you love.
  78. Get at least 5 good poetry books and read them.
  79. Go to Disney World!
  80. Go to 5 national parks.
  81. Be in the audience of a show.
  82. Read a whole book while sitting on the beach.
  83. Go to Napa Valley.
  84. Ride a bike along Hwy 1.
  85. Get a tattoo.
  86. Go an entire day without technology.
  87. Be in a music video.
  88. Fast for a day.
  89. Go see an Opera.
  90. Attend a film festival.
  91. Throw a murder mystery party.
  92. Finish a 500+ piece puzzle.
  93. Complete the 100 snapshots challenge.
  94. Don’t eat fast food for a month.
  95. Perfect a smoothie recipe that Scott loves.
  96. Go rock climbing.
  97. See a Broadway show.
  98. Thank God before every meal.
  99. Check out books from a library.
  100. Buy a comforter from Anthropologie.
  101. Pray with a stranger.
I cannot wait to get started. My day 1 will be the first day I move to California. I will keep you guys updated as I go along!

Scott is officially with the fleet (3 Batallion 5th Marines). He graduated from SOI Wednesday! He is so glad to that he is no longer a student and finally gets to experience what it's like to be an "actual Marine". I wish I could post pictures of the graduation but I didn't get to go. We were trying to save money and we're being hopeful that I'll be out there soon enough! We still don't know when or where we are living. We do know we will be living on base. But that's about it. I'll let you know if there is some sort of news anytime soon!

PS- I cut all my hair off... here's the final product. Don't tell me if you hate it, I'll cry.


Katherine said...

I love your list. I know you'll be able to do it!

PS I LOVE your hair. SUPER cute:)

Courtney said...

L.O.V.E. the hair!

Danielle Landy said...

I said I would comment on one of those things you want to do but I hope that I'm apart of like 50 of those. I know Scott will be in most of them, but I want like 3. Tonight you will scratch one off. Possibly 2 of them soon.